Making positive contributions to globalisation
Translations connect people and cultures. A translation allows knowledge, culture and ideas to contribute to society all across the globe. Within the traditional translation industry, there is great demand for a translation agency that better matches the above vision. The way we do so is by having a thorough focus on translation, combined with a refreshing view on innovation and cooperation. Translation Agency Perfect strives to become the greatest and biggest online translation agency in the world, as long as it doesn't jeopardize our company values. This is our way of making positive contributions to globalisation. Shaking up the language industry and making people happy!
Our story
Translation Agency Perfect started as an agency specialised in German translations in 2007, under the name of German Perfect. It wasn't long before our clients also started asking us about translations into other languages. This marked our first step to becoming a full-service translation agency. Throughout the years, Translation Agency Perfect grew into the translation agency with the most satisfied clients in both the Netherlands and Germany. This achievement is partly due to our ability to set ourselves apart from the competition by providing professional translations at the most competitive rates. We are both ISO-9001 and ISO-17100 certified, with a team of experienced in-house translators and project managers, transparent rates and payment in arrears. Of the translation agencies that offer the above, we offer the most competitive rates. We combine our rates with a refreshing view on innovation and organisation.
Social involvement
We believe in meaningful business and are actively helping a number of Dutch non-profit organisations with their international communication. These include the Koninklijke Nederlandse Redding Maatschappij (KNRM) and The KNRM is primarily responsible for finding and rescuing drowning people. The Dutch coastguard uses the KNRM's boats for its search and rescue operations. A “zokje” is a woollen phone sleeve. For every 250 units sold, a water well is dug in Africa.
One of the fastest growing (technology) companies in the Netherlands
Translation Agency Perfect has been featured in the Deloitte Fast50 several times. This is a list of the fastest growing technology companies in the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg. In addition, we also received an FD Gazellen Award for the fifth year in a row. The FD Gazellen Awards are awarded to the fastest growing companies in the Netherlands. These achievements are the result of our constant efforts to maintain excellent customer satisfaction and clever innovations with added value. Some examples of these innovations include our client portal and the cloud translation project Fairlingo, the translation agency in the cloud. You can read more about our vision on growth, our values and future developments here.
Our procedure for a Perfect translation

We receive the text to be translated and any special requests regarding your translation
This can be easily done via our online quote form, email or WeTransfer. Let us know exactly what your specific wishes are. This way, we can get off to a good start.

We diligently review your request
This enables us to discover the story behind the words. We can decipher what must be included in order to properly express the translated message. We then check the text(s) to see if it is appropriate to use a translation memory.

We select the most suitable native speaker translator
The correct translator is extremely important in order to have a good end product. We consider the translator’s experience within your industry as well as the intended audience. All of our translators meet the ISO 17100 standards.

You receive a detailed quote
Based on the above-mentioned information, you will receive a quote, which includes all of the demands you have given.

We will begin the translation process after you have accepted the quote
Once the quote has been accepted, we will begin the translation process and ensure that all of the agreed deadlines will be met. This will take a huge weight off of your shoulders!

The revisor edits the translation and we deliver the translation to you
We also take into account the industry and audience of the translation when choosing a revisor. The revisor thoroughly edits the translation and we deliver the translation electronically. You will receive a notification of this via email.

You are also covered by our quality assurance after the translation has been delivered
We operate with quality assurance. Should any questions regarding the delivered translation arise (within 30 days), we will gladly address these and make adjustments if necessary.
Most commonly translated languages
Prices and services
Frequently asked questions for Translation Agency Perfect
We offer three translation options: Economy, Excellent and Express.
The text will be translated by a professional, native speaker translator who is in compliance with the ISO standards. After the translation, the text will be partly reviewed. This ensures a competitive rate, but the text will not be completely reviewed. For this reason, ISO 17100 is not applicable. It is possible to work with a terminology list and/or translation memory.
Our advice is to choose this translation option if you have a simple text to be translated that does not have any legal merit or is not intended to be published. Texts which are best suited for this option include documents for use within a (corporate) organisation, or a simple text such as a recipe.
The text will be translated by a professional, native speaker translator who is in compliance with the ISO standards. After the text has been translated, it will be thoroughly revised by an experienced revisor. This option is more expensive, but the text will be completely reviewed. In this case, the ISO 17100 standard is applicable. It is possible to work with a terminology list and/or translation memory.
Our advice is to choose this translation option in order to avoid having an inadequate translation. Texts best suited for this option include medical, legal or technical documents and texts that are intended to be published.
The text will be translated by a professional, native speaker translator who is in compliance with the ISO standards. We define an urgent translation, sometimes called a rush job, as a translation that requires same day completion or if more than 2,000 words need to be translated per business day. Speed is of the essence, but not at the expense of quality.
Together with you, we will discuss the quickest possible deadline.
The ISO 9001 standard outlines requirements regarding continuous customer satisfaction. The ISO 17100 standard includes provisions regarding the safeguarding of the quality of translations. It is because of our ISO 17100 certification that you are assured a revision of a translated text.
A certified or sworn translation is a translation that is completed by a sworn translator. This person is sworn in and listed in the Register of Sworn Interpreters and Translators by the courts of law, whereby the translation is always legally valid.
You send your texts to Translation Agency Perfect and state your translation wishes. We then diligently review your request and search for a suitable native speaker translator. Next, you will receive a quote. After you have accepted the quote, we will begin the translation. Your text will be revised before you receive an email notification that the completed text is ready to be downloaded. Click here for a more detailed description of our procedure.
Translation Agency Perfect can translate a variety of texts. You’ve come to the right place if you need a manual, general terms and conditions or a brochure translated. We also translate blogs, online shops, websites and everything in between.
We calculate the base price by multiplying the word count by the rate per word. The price is ultimately dependant on a number of factors. Translation Agency Perfect offers three translation options in different price classes: Economy, Excellent and Express. These options each offer a different price per word and have various advantages, including delivery time and type of revision. This is precisely why the price of a translation differs per assignment.
A translation memory will be accumulated. This means that for future assignments, the previously translated words in your assignment will be deducted from the total cost. We will also look for repeated segments (chunks of text) in the source text. This is cost-effective and ensures consistency, which results in a quality translation.
Translation technology

Translation memory
Our translation memory software can recognise repeated and previously translated texts. This increases the consistency of the translation and prevents extra costs. Previously translated texts are saved in the translation memory. Each client has their own translation memory.

Terminology list
If a specific translation or tone of voice is requested, this can be stored in the terminology list. These translations will then be suggested to the translator during the translation process. This improves the consistency of the translation and allows for special requests to be accommodated.

Quality control
In addition to a second check by a human translator, we apply an automatic quality control check. This includes stylistic improvements as well as a spell check and overall translation review. This aids the translator and revisor to better find mistakes in the texts as well as to improve the consistency of the translation.
Why choose Translation Agency Perfect?

It’s our pleasure to help you with your translations
We help both small and large businesses and organisations to achieve their potential on an international scale every day. We assist you and gladly offer advice regarding the translation possibilities. Are you interested? Request a risk-free quote!
Request a risk-free quote